Check this line:
this.predictedValue = this.model.predict(tf.tensor2d([this.valueToPredict], [1, 1])).get(0, 0);
Tensorflow expects the values inside a 2d tensor to be numeric. As you are reading the value from an HTML input field this.valueToPredict
is going to be a string hence the error message.
Simply convert your raw value to a number, for example an integer using parseInt(this.valueToPredict)
and it should work.
I was able to resolve this error by simply using parseInt.
let val = parseInt(document.getElementById('inputValue').value);
document.getElementById('output').innerText = model.predict(tf.tensor2d([val],[1,1]));
Output for Console Log:
dataId: {}
dtype: "float32"
id: 35515
isDisposed: (...)
isDisposedInternal: false
kept: false
rank: (...)
rankType: "2"
shape: (2) [1, 1]
size: 1
strides: [1]
__proto__: Object