The problem turned out to be that I had a non-standard project directory structure. I was missing an __init__.py
file in in my ‘django_trial_on_mac’ directory. As soon as I created an empty __init__.py
file there, the app ran normally.
files tell Django that the directory should be treated as a package and since this file did not exist in the ‘django_trial_on_mac’ directory, it could not import the module ‘django_trial_on_mac’.
Hard to answer without more info, but it looks like something is wrong with PYTHONPATH
env variable on your Heroku:
- it does not include your project directory, or
- you might have a non-standard project directory structure, or
- the problem might be something as simple as uploading the project with its parent directory, and not only the project directory…
- [Answered ]-Getting "This field is required" error even though I set null=True and blank=True
- [Answered ]-Get A 404 Page when trying to access localhost:8000/accounts/login/ using Django-allauth