[Vuejs]-How to dynamically add an Id to the navbar used on laravel/VueJs SPA


Try checking window.location.href to get current route on mounted() state of your routes and add the css on that condition


You could pass a class as a prop with the route:



You could just use the most simple solution. put the route name on the surrounding div and target it with css. e.g.

.home .navbar {}
.about .navbar {}

Or as you are using router view you can get the current route path in your nav bar component and use this to create a computed property to return the class you need.

<nav :class="['some','class', backgroundColor]"></nav>

computed: {
    backgroundColor() {
        switch (this.$route.fullPath) {
            case ('/'):
                return 'bg-blue';

            case ('/about'):
                return 'bg-pink';

                return 'bg-red';


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