The easiest way is to use pip to generate a requirements file. A requirements file is basically a file that contains a list of all the python packages you want to install (or have already installed in case of file generated by pip), and what versions theyβre at.
To generate a requirements file, go into your original virtualenv, and run:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
This will generate the requirements.txt file for you. If you open that file up in your favorite text editor, youβll see something like:
Now, edit the line that says Django==x.x
to say Django==1.3
(or whatever version you want to install in your new virtualenv).
Lastly, activate your new virtualenv, and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And pip will automatically download and install all the python modules listed in your requirements.txt file, at whatever versions you specified!
Another option is to use virtualenv-clone
A script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv.
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Easiest option is using virtualenv-clone
To duplicate venv1
to venv2
, follow these steps:
in eithervenv1
or a dummy virtual environmentvenv_dummy
. To createvenv_dummy
:python -m virtualenv venv_dummy source venv_dummy/bin/activate
To install
:(venv_dummy): pip install virtualenv-clone
To duplicate
:(venv_dummy): virtualenv-clone venv1/ venv2/
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provides a command to duplicate virtualenv
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If you are using Anaconda you can just run:
conda create --name myclone --clone myenv
This will copy myenv
to the newly created environment called myclone
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Here is my go to command for cloning python virtual environments.
packs=`source-path/bin/pip freeze` && python3 -m venv <env-name> && target-path/bin/pip install $packs
Conventions used in above command:
- source-path = path to env that you want to clone e.g.
. - env-name = name of the cloned env e.g.
, it can be a path as well e.g.
- target-path = path to new cloned env e.g.
Advantages of using this or why i prefer this
- No need to generate a requirements.txt file.
- No environment is activated/deactivated during cloning process.
- single command to be executed(3 commands ran at once).
In some cases you might want to exclude global packages from while cloning env you can replace source-path/bin/pip freeze
with source-path/bin/pip freeze --local
, more about --local
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In case you use pip "venv". I copy pasted the folder holding the virtual environment and manually changed the files in the bin folder of the copied folder.
I donβt know if its efficient,but it works!
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Can you not simply:
- Copy the existing virtual env directory to a new one
- Update to the new Django?
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pip works, but itβs a problem on a computer without internet.
I wrote a small code for this, it worked for me. Iβm writing it here because maybe it will be useful for someone else.
( Note: I tested it on Windows )
- copy project folder
- paste project folder to another directory
- change the address parts in this code and run the code:
import os
# The new address of our script folder
script_folder = r'D:\Python proqrams\pdf_to_excel\venv\Scripts'
# the old address of our venv folder
old_path = rb'C:\Users\AVG-dell\Desktop\pdf_to_excel\venv'
# the new address of our venv folder
new_path = rb"D:\Python proqrams\pdf_to_excel\venv"
def find_replace( folder ):
names = os.listdir( folder )
for name in names:
current_path = os.path.join( folder, name )
if os.path.isdir( current_path ):
find_replace( current_path )
elif os.path.isfile( current_path ) :
with open( current_path ,'rb' ) as f:
data = f.read()
if old_path in data:
print( current_path )
data2 = data.replace( old_path , new_path )
with open( current_path , 'wb' ) as f:
find_replace( script_folder )
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import random
def guess_the_number():
print("Welcome to Guess the Number!")
# Set the range for the random number
lower_limit = 1
upper_limit = 100
secret_number = random.randint(lower_limit, upper_limit)
# Set the initial number of attempts
attempts = 0
print(f"Guess the number between {lower_limit} and {upper_limit}")
while True:
# Get user input
guess = input("Enter your guess: ")
# Convert the input to an integer
guess = int(guess)
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a valid number.")
# Increment the number of attempts
attempts += 1
# Check if the guess is correct
if guess == secret_number:
print(f"Congratulations! You guessed the number in {attempts} attempts.")
elif guess < secret_number:
print("Too low! Try again.")
print("Too high! Try again.")
if name == "main":
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