Note that get_or_create
is now scheduled to be deprecated, because with no transaction support in MongoDB it cannot ensure atomicity.
The preferred way is update with upsert:
Location.objects(user_id=user_id).update_one(set__point=point, upsert=True)
More on upserts on the MongoDB documentation.
There is a new way to do it since version 0.9 (explained here):
location = Location.objects(user_id=user_id).modify(upsert=True, new=True, set__point=point)
It returns the created or updated object.
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this is what I came up with:
location = Location.objects.get_or_create(user_id=user_id)[0]
location.point = point
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Or you can add a method to your class object via:
class Location(mongoengine.Document):
user_id = mongoengine.IntField(required=True)
point = mongoengine.GeoPointField(required=True)
def register(self):
# if doesnt exist, create user id and point field
if not Location.objects(user_id=self.user_id):
self.user_id = self.user_id
self.point = self.point
return True
# does exist, do nothing
return False
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My solution to update of not exist was this:
def upsert(self, data: dict, query: dict):
sets = {}
for key in data.keys():
sets[f"set__{key}"] = data[key]
response = self.model.objects(**query).update_one(upsert=True, **sets)
return response
except Exception as ex:
# Logger(str(ex)).log_error()
return False
or if you want, you can use the method update
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