[Answered ]-How to display data from related model in admin



It is a bit hard to do with your setup. If you use a related_name in your OrderItem model such as

order = models.ForeignKey(Order, related_name='items')

You could use it as a reference from the order to items. But again you have a OneToMany relationship so order have many items. You could crate a property in order to get you something like number_of_items such as

def number_of_items(self):
    return self.items.count()

and use that in the OrderAdmin such as

class OrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('price','number_of_items')

It is much easier if you are trying to access Order from OrderItem ModelAdmin because that returns one object so you could do:

class OrderItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('itemname',order__price')

note the use of double underscore between order and price.



I write this function to Order model:

def get_items(self):
    text = ""
    for i in self.oitems.all():
        text = text + '<br />' + i.itemname
    return text
get_items.allow_tags = True

And I add related_name=”oitems” to Order Key in OrderItem. And it works.


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