[Vuejs]-How to disable vuejs transitions


You can probably achieve this in two ways. The first would be to use the screen.width javascript function and use that in a ternary operator to determine if the transition should be activated.

import Velocity from 'velocity-animate'

export default {
  data: () => ({
    width: 0,
  mounted() {
    this.$nextTick(() => {
      this.width = screen.width
  methods: {
    expandAnimEnter: function (el, done) {
      Velocity(el, 'slideDown', { complete: done })
    expandAnimLeave: function (el, done) {
      Velocity(el, 'slideUp', {complete: done})

Then in your html use that width element in your ternary operator.

  v-on:enter="width > 600 ? expandAnimEnter : false"
  v-on:leave="width > 600 ? expandAnimLeave : false">

Or you could have an if statement in your methods:

methods: {
    expandAnimEnter: function (el, done) {
      if(this.width > 600) {
        Velocity(el, 'slideDown', { complete: done })
    expandAnimLeave: function (el, done) {
      if(this.width > 600) {
        Velocity(el, 'slideUp', { complete: done })

The other way, as I see you’re using vuetify, is to use it’s hidden property.


or just use a v-if there instead.

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