There are several layers here that you all need, but it can be confusing at first. To set up a Django site in a production environment, you’re going to need:
- Server hardware.
- Webserver software.
- Python connector (WSGI).
- Registered domain name with DNS records.
A hosting service gives you access to server hardware. You rent a physical server or a virtual environment on a physical server. Most hosting platforms include domain name registration and managing DNS records, but some might require you to seek these services elsewhere.
In order for the server to actually serve a http response upon receiving a request, it has to run a webserver process. Apache and Nginx are such webservers. WSGI is the standard that allows webservers to communicate with Python applications. You’ll need an implementation of this in order to connect to your Django application. Some choices are gunicorn, uWSGI and Apache’s mod_wsgi.
With this information you should be able to understand most articles explaining how to deploy a Django application. Everything except the part about WSGI is also applicable to any other website, not just Django.