Your problem is caused by the fact that your rows don’t have a proper stable unique ID, and that you’re instead using their array index as the :key
in your v-for
directive. The reason this is a problem is that when you delete an element from an array using .$delete()
, all the later elements get shifted down to a new, lower index so that the array remains contiguous.
The solution is to give your rows a unique ID. A simple global counter will do just fine:
var counter = 0; // global counter for row IDs (or anything else that needs one)
export default {
// ...
methods: {
addRow() {
category: '',
subcategory: '',
sku: '',
description: '',
image: '',
id: ++counter // this gives each row a distinct ID number
// ...
Then you can use this unique ID as the :key
in your v-for
<li v-for="(input, index) in inputs" :key="input.id">
<request-part :index="index" :input="input" :inputs="inputs">
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