[Vuejs]-How to delete multiple photos from the folder when deleting it from database?


The easiest approach with your current code in mind is to simply loop over the employees and delete as required:

$employees = Employee::whereIn('id', $request->id)->get(); 
foreach($employees AS $employee){
    $currentPhoto = $employee->photo;
    $currentdatePhoto = $employee->afghanidatephoto;

    $employeePhoto = (public_path('img/emp/').$currentPhoto);
    $employeedatePhoto = (public_path('img/date/').$currentdatePhoto);




You can wrap the foreach() in a try { ... } catch { ... } block.

The reason your code had issues starts with this line:

$Employee = Employee::whereIn('id', $request->id)->delete(); 

By finalizing that query with ->delete(), you’re deleting the records that match ids. Next, trying to perform operations on $Employee won’t work, as ->delete() doesn’t return an object (I believe it returns a boolean, true), so $Employee->{ ... } is an error.

With all of that in mind, you should be able to query, loop and delete your Employees and their images.

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