The easiest approach with your current code in mind is to simply loop over the employees and delete as required:
$employees = Employee::whereIn('id', $request->id)->get();
foreach($employees AS $employee){
$currentPhoto = $employee->photo;
$currentdatePhoto = $employee->afghanidatephoto;
$employeePhoto = (public_path('img/emp/').$currentPhoto);
$employeedatePhoto = (public_path('img/date/').$currentdatePhoto);
You can wrap the foreach()
in a try { ... } catch { ... }
The reason your code had issues starts with this line:
$Employee = Employee::whereIn('id', $request->id)->delete();
By finalizing that query with ->delete()
, you’re deleting the records that match ids. Next, trying to perform operations on $Employee
won’t work, as ->delete()
doesn’t return an object
(I believe it returns a boolean, true
), so $Employee->{ ... }
is an error.
With all of that in mind, you should be able to query, loop and delete your Employees and their images.