No, django doesn’t have such function. So you have to check for the existence of the generated username in the loop.
I created a mixin that creates a random username based on firstname, lastname and makes sure this username doesnt already exist in db User model:
import random
import string
from core.models import CustomUser
class RandomUsernameMixin:
using firstname & lastname
create a random username (all lower case)
that doesnt already exist in db
num_of_random_letters = 3
num_of_random_numbers = 2
user_model = CustomUser
def get_username(self, firstname=None, lastname=None):
username = ''
if firstname and lastname \
and firstname != '' and lastname != '':
username = firstname[0] + lastname[0]
while True:
random_letters = string.ascii_lowercase
random_numbers = string.digits
username += self.get_random_char(
random_letters, self.num_of_random_letters
username += self.get_random_char(
random_numbers, self.num_of_random_numbers
if self.username_exist_in_db(username) is False:
return username
def username_exist_in_db(self, username):
:return: True if username already exist in db
else False
q = self.user_model.objects.filter(username=username)
return q.exists()
def get_random_char(self, ip_str, n):
return (''.join(
for i in range(n)
Following is the testing code. It tests the above code:
from django.test import TestCase
from miscellaneous.mixins.random_username_mixin import RandomUsernameMixin
class TestRandomUsernameMixin(RandomUsernameMixin,
def test_username_with_fn_ln(self):
fn = 'aseem'
ln = 'hegshetye'
username = self.get_username(
firstname=fn, lastname=ln
len_of_initials = 2
len_of_username = self.num_of_random_numbers + \
self.num_of_random_letters + \
self.assertEqual(len(username), len_of_username)
def test_username_without_fn_ln(self):
username = self.get_username()
len_of_initials = 0
len_of_username = self.num_of_random_numbers + \
self.num_of_random_letters + \
self.assertEqual(len(username), len_of_username)
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