You don’t appear to have enabled the clipboard functionality in your table, without this enabled Tabulator will be unable to accept pasted data.
You will need to set the clipboard option in your table constructor
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
clipboard:"paste", //enable clipboard paste functionality
For full details see the Clipboard Documentation
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The in-built paste parser of Tabulator does not support pasting in a cell for the entire table, rather it pastes in that individual cell as per DOM functionality.
I managed to resolve the issue with a workaround.
Works perfectly.
Considering you have already initiated the table and you have a table on the UI.
Basically, I am interrupting the paste event of the div
and then adding my own custom paste parser, keeping the table cells editable.
// Global function to make all the tables on the page
function makeTabulatorTable(divID, columnList, rowData, clipboardPasteBool) {
var tableObj = {
columns: columnList,
data: rowData,
layout: "fitColumns",
rowHeight: 25,
columnHeaderVertAlign: "middle",
tooltips: true,
columnDefaults: {
tooltip: true,
headerTooltip: true,
if (!clipboardPasteBool) {
// Only copy function for display table
tableObj.clipboard = "copy";
// Create table
var table = new Tabulator("#" + divID, tableObj);
return table;
// Render preview table
var previewTable = makeTabulatorTable("preview-table", previewTableColumns, [{}], true);
// Add a custom paste parser to the table, avoid pasting in cells
document.getElementById("preview-table").addEventListener("paste", (event) => {
// Column names to parse
const columnFields = ["sand", "silt", "clay", "pb", "th33", "th1500"];
// Custom tabulator paste parser
// Trim the clipboard data and then split into rows
let rows = event.clipboardData.getData('Text').trim().split("\n");
// Transform each row and convert to object
let clipboardArray = rows.map(row => {
// Prepend an empty cell for the ID and split by tabs
let cells = [...row.split("\t")];
// Convert the array of cells into an object based on the column fields using reduce
let rowObj = columnFields.reduce((obj, field, index) => {
obj[field] = cells[index];
return obj;
}, {});
return rowObj;
// Enable buttons after paste
// Set data in table
// Generate preview table columns
var previewTableColumns = [
{ title: "ID", formatter: "rownum", hozAlign: "center", width: 40 },
{ title: 'Sand <span style="color:teal;">(%)</span>', hozAlign: "end", field: "sand", editor: "number", formatter: floatFormatter },
{ title: 'Silt <span style="color:teal;">(%)</span>', hozAlign: "end", field: "silt", editor: "number", formatter: floatFormatter },
{ title: 'Clay <span style="color:teal;">(%)</span>', hozAlign: "end", field: "clay", editor: "number", formatter: floatFormatter },
{ title: '<i>ρ<sub>b</sub></i> <span style="color:teal;">(g/cm<sup>3</sup>)</span>', hozAlign: "end", field: "pb", editor: "number", formatter: floatFormatter },
{ title: 'th33', hozAlign: "end", field: "th33", editor: "number", formatter: floatFormatter },
{ title: 'th1500', hozAlign: "end", field: "th1500", editor: "number", formatter: floatFormatter }
<div name='preview-table' id='preview-table'></div>