[Vuejs]-How to convert proxy object to json in vue?


If you just want the keys, you can use Object.keys(proxy) on the proxy.

Converting a proxy to object is done easiest with JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(proxy))

Note also that your action and dispatch are not matching

  OrderedPizza: {
    pizza: props.pizza,
    amount: amount,
    size: size_choice

will pass an object with OrderedPizza as an item in the object

your action and mutation expect the object passed to be the OrderedPizza, so the reason you’re not seeing it is that you would technically need console.log(OrderedPizza.OrderedPizza.pizza)

you can fix that either by removing the nested object:

  pizza: props.pizza,
  amount: amount,
  size: size_choice

or getting it in the action by destructuring the passed parameter (note the {} around OrderedPizza: OrderedPizza)

actions: {
  make_order(context, {OrderedPizza: OrderedPizza}){
    context.commit('add_pizza_to_order', OrderedPizza)

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