[Vuejs]-How to close snackbar on click of close buttton?


First thing first. What kind of assignment operator looks like this-

@click="snackbar: false"

If you want to assign a value to any variable, you must use = operator. So replace the above code with this-

@click="snackbar = false"

Second thing, if you will use :value="true" then obviously the snackbar will be displayed forever. So, bind the value prop to the variable which you are using to toggle the snackbar instead of a hard-coded boolean. For example-


Do these two fixes, and it will work.


you can use the next code:

<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
      color="deep-purple accent-4"
      This is Snackbar
        <v-btn text @click="snackbar = false"> Close </v-btn>

 export default {
  data() {
   return {
    snackbar: true,


You are missing the "this" keyword.

<v-btn text @click="snackbar: false"> Close

<v-btn text @click="this.snackbar: false"> Close

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