How to clear viewbag data in mvc

In MVC, the ViewBag is a dynamic object that allows you to share data between the controller and the view. It is a useful feature when you want to pass data from the controller to the view.

To clear the ViewBag data in MVC, you can simply set it to null or assign a new empty instance to it. Here’s an example to demonstrate how you can clear the ViewBag data:

            // Controller
            public ActionResult Index()
                // Set ViewBag data
                ViewBag.Message = "Hello, world!";
                // Clear ViewBag data
                ViewBag.Message = null;
                return View();

In the above example, we first set the ViewBag.Message to “Hello, world!”. Then, we clear the ViewBag data by assigning null to it. This will effectively clear the data and make it empty.

It is important to note that the ViewBag data is only available during the current request. Once the request is completed, the ViewBag data is cleared automatically.

Additionally, you can also clear the ViewBag data by assigning a new empty instance to it. Here’s another example:

            // Controller
            public ActionResult Index()
                // Set ViewBag data
                ViewBag.Message = "Hello, world!";
                // Clear ViewBag data
                ViewBag = new ExpandoObject();
                return View();

In this example, we create a new instance of the ExpandoObject class and assign it to the ViewBag. This will clear all the existing data in the ViewBag and make it empty.

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