Add a planets.selected key.
allPlanets: [
{ name: 'Planet name', value: 'Planet value' , selected : false },
And in your template:
v-for="planets in allPlanets" :key="`planets_${planets.id}`"
Similar to:
Display multiple checkbox in table format using <v-for> and <v-checkbox> in Vuetify?
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you have to make such a structure, so you know for each id, whether it is checked or not
new Vue({
data: () => ({
allPlanets: [
id: 32,
name: "planent",
selected: false
id: 365,
name: "planet 2",
selected: false
methods: {
checkSelectedByIndex(index) {
return this.allPlanets[index].selected
checkSelectedById(id) {
return this.allPlanets.find(p => p.id === id)?.selected ?? false
and in the you have to set the v-model=”planets.selected”
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Given your layout the simplest methods is:
methods: {
checkSelected(id) {
return this.selectedPlanets.includes(id)