Well, the problem is that setActiveRange function is working as you have written it – basically, it will return true every time the ‘total > price’ condition is fulfilled. Remove that part and it is gonna work. Code sample:
methods: {
setActiveRange(min, max) {
let total = this.price;
if (total && total >= min && total <= max) {
return true;
You can pass discount to your method:
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data() {
return {
price: "",
cascadeSugg: [
id: 3,
title: "10-90USD take 50% discount",
min: 10,
max: 90,
discount: 50,
created_at: "2021-10-28T03:04:33.000000Z",
updated_at: "2021-10-28T03:41:49.000000Z",
start_date: "2021-10-28",
end_date: "2021-10-31",
id: 4,
title: "100-900USD take 90% discount",
min: 100,
max: 200,
discount: 90,
created_at: "2021-10-28T03:54:28.000000Z",
updated_at: "2021-10-28T03:54:28.000000Z",
start_date: "2021-10-28",
end_date: "2021-10-31",
methods: {
setActiveRange(min, max, disc) {
let total = this.price;
if(total && total <= 99 && total >= min) {
return true
} else if ((total && total >= 100 && disc > 50)) {
return true;
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.config.devtools = false
#app {
font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
text-align: center;
color: #2c3e50;
margin-top: 60px;
.active {
color: #F48245;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="demo">
<div class="cascade-discount">
<input type="text" v-model="price" />
v-for="cascade in cascadeSugg"
:class="{ active: setActiveRange(cascade.min, cascade.max, cascade.discount) }"
{{ cascade.title }}
You can use a simple if-else statement to check the range of the values
if(price => 10 && price <= 90){
//get 50% Discount
}else if(price => 100 && price <= 900){
//get 90%Discount