I found the answer myself, if anyone looking to have an accept or cancel button inside the Modal window then you can probably use the Dialogs from vuesax and here is the link of the documentation:
And Please look at these questions to know more about mutating of props:
- Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten
- vuejs update parent data from child component
Here, i could solve the issue just by implement method, the code is given below:
<vs-button class="button" @click="showPopup= true">Open popup</vs-button>
<vs-popup title="Want to close by button" :active.sync="showPopup">
<vs-button class="close btn" @click="closeBtn($event)" >Cancel btn</vs-button>
data () {
return {
showPopup: false
methods: {
closeBtn(event) {
return this.showPopup= false
Thank you, and i hope this might help you.