[Vuejs]-How to change state in vuex after some time while snackbar closes automatically


I had the same problem preparing a Snackbar component and I used a watcher to change the $state before “timeout” finished. By default, after 6 seconds the snackbar closes but I am using setTimeout with 4 second to modify the State and close it before this 6 seconds.
In my case I am using ts but I think you can use it.

Snackbar component

    <v-snackbar v-model="snackbarData.show"  :color="snackbarData.color" bottom >

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import Component from "vue-class-component";
import { Watch, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";

export default class SnackBar extends Vue {

snackbarData!: Object 

 @Watch("snackbarData.show", { deep: true })
  onShowChanges(value: any) {
    if (value === true) {
      const snackbar: any = {
        show: false,
        color: null, 
    setTimeout( () => {
      this.$store.commit('updateMainSnackbar', snackbar);
      }, 4000)


This is my object but if you need more properties you should add them.

   mainSnackbar: {
        show: false,
        message: '',
        color: null


  updateMainSnackbar (state:any, data: any){
      state.mainSnackbar.show = data.show;
      state.mainSnackbar.message = data.message;
      state.mainSnackbar.color = data.color;

Import and Include the component

Import the component and pass the properties

   <SnackBar :snackbarData="mainSnackbar" />

// ----------
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { Component } from "vue-property-decorator";

import SnackBar from "SnackBar.vue"
  components: { SnackBar }
export default class OurComponent extends Vue {

// Computed

 get mainSnackbar(){
    return this.$store.state.mainSnackbar;

Execute the mutation to active the Snackbar

Call the mutation with the data you want to show in the snackbar. In my case I was using a method.

  const data= {
        show: true,
        message:'The message you want to show',
        color: '#ffff', 
  this.$store.commit('updateMainSnackbar', data);

I hope it can help you.


Can you watch snackbar in Snackbar component?

something like:

watch: {
  snackbar: function(newVal) {
    if (!newVal) {

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