[Django]-How to chain Django querysets preserving individual order


This solution prevents duplicates:

q1 = Q(...)
q2 = Q(...)
q3 = Q(...)
qs = (
    .filter(q1 | q2 | q3)
            When(q1, then=Value(2)),
            When(q2, then=Value(1)),
            When(q3, then=Value(0)),
    .order_by('-search_type_ordering', ...)


If the querysets are of different models, you have to evaluate them to lists and then you can just append:

result = list(queryset_1) + list(queryset_2)

If they are the same model, you should combine the queries using the Q object and ‘order_by(“queryset_1 field”, “queryset_2 field”)’.

The right answer largely depends on why you want to combine these and how you are going to use the results.


So, inspired by Peter’s answer this is what I did in my project (Django 2.2):

from django.db import models
from .models import MyModel

# Add an extra field to each query with a constant value
queryset_0 = MyModel.objects.annotate(
    qs_order=models.Value(0, models.IntegerField())

# Each constant should basically act as the position where we want the 
# queryset to stay
queryset_1 = MyModel.objects.annotate(
    qs_order=models.Value(1, models.IntegerField()) 


queryset_n = MyModel.objects.annotate(
    qs_order=models.Value(n, models.IntegerField()) 

# Finally, I ordered the union result by that extra field.
union = queryset_0.union(

With this, I could order the resulting union as I wanted without changing any private attribute while only evaluating the querysets once.


I’m not 100% sure this solution works in every possible case, but it looks like the result is the union of two QuerySets (on the same model) preserving the order of the first one:

union = qset1.union(qset2)
union.query.extra_order_by = qset1.query.extra_order_by
union.query.order_by = qset1.query.order_by
union.query.default_ordering = qset1.query.default_ordering
union.query.get_meta().ordering = qset1.query.get_meta().ordering

I did not test it extensively, so before you use that code in production, make sure it behaves like expected.



If you need to merge two querysets into a third queryset, here is an example, using _result_cache.


class ImportMinAttend(models.Model):
    country=models.CharField(max_length=2, blank=False, null=False)
    status=models.CharField(max_length=5, blank=True, null=True, default=None)

From this model, I want to display a list of all the rows such that :

  1. (query 1) empty status go first, ordered by countries
  2. (query 2) non empty status go in second, ordered by countries

I want to merge query 1 and query 2.

    #get all the objects

    #get the first queryset
    #len or anything that hits the database

    #get the second queryset

    #append the second queryset to the first one AND PRESERVE ORDER
    for query in queryset_2:

    #final result

It might not be very efficient, but it works :).



For Django 1.11 (released on April 4, 2017) use union() for this, documentation here:


Here is the Version 2.1 link to this:


the union() function to combine multiple querysets together, rather than the or (|) operator. This avoids a very inefficient OUTER JOIN query that reads the entire table.



If two querysets has common field, you can order combined queryset by that field. Querysets are not evaluated during this operation.

For example:

class EventsHistory(models.Model):
    id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
    event_time = models.DateTimeField()
    event_id = models.IntegerField()

class EventsOperational(models.Model):
    id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
    event_time = models.DateTimeField()
    event_id = models.IntegerField()

qs1 = EventsHistory.objects.all()
qs2 = EventsOperational.objects.all()

qs_combined = qs2.union(qs1).order_by('event_time')

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