This is method of CBV:
def post_ajax(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = ChooseForm(request.POST, log=log)
if form.is_valid():
instance = form.save()
inst_form = InstanceForm(instance=instance, account=request.user)
fields = {}
for name in inst_form.fields:
if name in inst_form.initial:
fields[inst_form.auto_id % name] = inst_form.initial[name]
return HttpResponse(
json.dumps({'status': 'OK','fields':fields},
assert False
And this a reason why I do that:
With this response I can write something like this on client. Now I don’t need to manualy initialize all fields on the page
function mergeFields(data) {
for(var id in data) {
Originally added to the question body itself reference.
If you have the auto_id set to True then you can get the id with form_object_instance.field_name.auto_id. With that in mind you can create your dict by iterating over the form object.
I am just wondering why you would need to do such a processing as the form object is usually used to encapsulate such behaviors…
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you can try getattr.
For example, you have a known key list as
['field1_id_in_template', 'field2_id_in_template', ...]
my_values = dict()
for key in key_list:
value = getattr(your_form, key)
# now do something with it
my_values[key] = deal_with(value)
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