[Answered ]-How to Call default home url in django when i logged out



The solution you got there is not the right solution, the right solution is to use the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL setting and point it to a view function, a named URL pattern or a direct URL.

Once a user is logged in using the default authentication mechanism of django, the request will automatically be redirected to this page.

Your second problem is when you logout a user, you want to be redirected to a specific URL. If you use the correct solution above, then all you need to do is:

  1. Set LOGOUT_URL in your settings.py.

  2. Create your logout view, it can be as simple as this example from the documentation:

    from django.shortcuts import redirect
    from django.contrib.auth import logout
    def logout_view(request):
        return redirect('/home/')

If you want to stick with your original solution, then modify it like this:

class HomeRedirectView(RedirectView):
    pattern_name = 'home'

    def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.request.user.is_authenticated():
            return "/user/{}/".format(self.request.user)
            return '/home/'
πŸ‘€Burhan Khalid


I think you are overcomplicating things a little, the following will allow you to redirect to a user home page if a user is logged in, or it will display an un-logged in view. I have made the assumption that the username in the URL is purely for display purposes (otherwise it could be a security issue for your application.


urlpatterns = patterns('myapp.views',
   url(r'^/$', 'home', name='home'),
   url(r'^user/[-_.\w\d]+/$', 'user_home', name='user-home'),


from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render, get_object_or_404

def home(request):
    Home page
    # If a user is authenticated then redirect them to the user page
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect('user-home', request.user.username)
        return render(request, "myapp/home.html")

def user_home(request):
    User specific home page, assume the username in URL is just for decoration.
    return render(request, "mpapp/home_user.html", {
        "user": request.user

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