How To Calculate Total In Power Bi

How to Calculate Total in Power BI

Calculating the total in Power BI can be achieved using various functions and expressions. Let’s explore a few examples:

Example 1: Calculating Total of a Column

To calculate the total of a column, you can use the SUM() function in a measure. For instance, suppose you have a column called “Sales” in your dataset and you want to calculate the total sales:

DAX Measure: Total Sales = SUM(TableName[Sales])

Here, “TableName” refers to the name of your table and “Sales” is the name of the column. The calculated measure “Total Sales” will give you the sum of all values in the “Sales” column.

Example 2: Calculating Running Total

If you want to calculate the running total of a column, you can utilize the TOTALYTD() function. This function calculates the sum of a specified column up to a specified date. Consider the example below:

DAX Measure: Running Total Sales = TOTALYTD(SUM(TableName[Sales]), TableName[DateColumn])

In this case, “DateColumn” represents the column that contains the dates corresponding to the sales values. The “Running Total Sales” measure will provide the cumulative sum of sales up to the given date.

Example 3: Calculating Total by Category

If you want to calculate the total by category or any other dimension, you can use the SUMMARIZE() function along with SUMX(). Let’s assume you have a column called “Category” and you want to calculate the total sales for each category:

DAX Measure: Total Sales by Category = SUMX(SUMMARIZE(TableName, TableName[Category]), [Sales])

This measure will create a summary table grouped by the “Category” column and then calculate the sum of sales for each category.

These are just a few examples of how to calculate totals in Power BI using DAX expressions. Power BI provides a powerful set of functions that can be combined and customized to fit your specific requirements.

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