[Vuejs]-How to calculate total from three components in Vuejs?


One way to solve it is to have each room emit an event with its price and tack on the room id (or some other unique value)

    v-for="roomType in roomTypes"
      v-on:total-price="roomPriceUpdated(roomType.id, $event)"

And store that in data with a computed value that sums the prices.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      roomPrices: {}
  methods: {
    onRoomPriceUpdated(roomId, price) {
        this.roomPrices[roomId] = price;
  computed: {
    totalPrice() {
        return Object.values(this.roomPrices)
            .reduce((roomPrice, totalPrice) => roomPrice + totalPrice, 0);

The sum should now be available as this.totalPrice within the component.

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