Problem solved.
The problem is, I shouldn’t try to affect slot contents in the parent component. So instead of binding event on slot#content while keep its layout, I let the component itself become the flex container:
// ContextMenu.vue
<div @contextmenu.prevent.stop="onRightclickContent">
<div class="contextmenu-wrapper" v-if="showContextMenu">
<slot name="contextmenu"></slot>
<slot name="default"></slot>
// parent component
<!--no another wrapper div here!-->
<ContextMenu class="wrapper">
<template #contextmenu>
<div class="contextmenu"></div>
<!--will be correctly layout now-->
<div class="inner"></div>
<div class="inner"></div>
<div class="inner"></div>
display: flex;
will fall through to root div in ContextMenu then it becomes the flex container.