In data(){}
you cannot assign in this way model: this.email
so you need to assign it in mounted() {}
hook, check the code below:
export default {
data() {
return {
email: "",
password: "",
confirm_password: "",
full_name: "",
login: "",
username: "",
possible_inputs: []
mounted() {
this.possible_inputs = [
caption: "Full Name",
type: "text",
when: "signup",
model: this.full_name
}, {
caption: "Email",
type: "email",
when: "signup",
model: this.email
}, {
caption: "Email or Username",
type: "text",
when: "login",
model: this.login
}, {
caption: "Username",
type: "text",
when: "signup",
model: this.username
}, {
caption: "Password",
type: "password",
when: "always",
model: this.password
}, {
caption: "Confirm Password",
type: "password",
when: "signup",
model: this.confirm_password
- [Vuejs]-Having issues with remove function on Express
- [Vuejs]-Issue data-binding in conditional rendering (Vue.js)