[Django]-How to avoid repeated values retrieved from database?



Use a set rather than an array. It will avoid duplicate entries.

def search(request):

    from sets import Set


    # create set object
    set = Set()

    if request.method=='POST':


        for i in s1:

            if i :
                # |= is the set union operator                       
                set |= Set(form2.objects.filter(keyskills=i))

        # convert set back to list

    return render(request,"searchresult.html",{'var1':var})

The basic idea:

  1. Create a set object
  2. Perform a union operation with each search result into the set
  3. Convert the set back to a list and send it to the template

On a side note, I agree with some of the comments in that “form1” is not a great name for a model.

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