[Django]-How to avoid AppConfig.ready() method running twice in Django


When you use python manage.py runserver, Django starts two processes, one for the actual development server, the other to reload your application when the code changes.

You can start the server without the reload option, and you will see only one process running:

python manage.py runserver --noreload

See also the ready() method running twice in Django.


if you don’t want to use --noreload you can:

replace the line in your app’s __init__.py that you use to specify the config:

default_app_config = 'mydjangoapp.apps.MydjangoappConfig'

by this:

import os

if os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN', None) != 'true':
    default_app_config = 'mydjangoapp.apps.MydjangoappConfig'

Or, check for the RUN_MAIN environment variable within your AppConfig ready method:

import os

from django.apps import AppConfig

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'app'

    def ready(self):
        if os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN'):


I found this worked for me without using the --noreload flag in python manage.py runserver.

Check for an environment variable in the ready() method. The env variable does not persist after the application ends but DOES persist if the code changes are detected by the server and after it automatically reloads itself.

# File located in mysite/apps.py

from django.apps import AppConfig
import os

class CommandLineRunner(AppConfig):
    name = 'mysite'

    def ready(self):
        run_once = os.environ.get('CMDLINERUNNER_RUN_ONCE') 
        if run_once is not None:
        os.environ['CMDLINERUNNER_RUN_ONCE'] = 'True' 

        # The code you want to run ONCE here


You need to implement locking. It is not a simple problem and the solution will not feel natural as you are dealing with processes and threads. Be warned there are many answers to the problem of locking, some simpler approaches:

A file lock: Ensure a single instance of an application in Linux (note that threads share file lock by default so this answer needs to be expanded to account for threads).

There is also this answer which uses a Python package called tendo that encapsulates the a file lock implementation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1265445/181907

Django itself provides an abstracted portable file locking utility in django.core.files.locks.


As Roberto mentioned you will need to implement locking in order to do this when running your server through the runserver command, if you want to use the default auto_reload functionality.

Django implements it’s auto_reload via threading and so imports the AppConfig in two separate threads, the main ‘command/watch’ thread and the ‘reload’ thread running the server. Add a print statement to the module and you will see this in action. The ‘main’ thread loads the AppConfig files as part of it’s BaseCommand execute, and the ‘reload’ thread then load them again during it’s startup of the server.

If you have code that can not be run in both of these threads then your options are somewhat limited. You can implement a thread lock so that the ‘reload’ thread will not run ready(); you can move to a production environment to run your server (Gunicorn for example is very quick to setup, even for testing); or you can call your method in another way rather than using ready().

I would advise moving to a proper environment, but the best option really depends on what exactly the method you are calling is supposed to do.


It was found that AppConfig was fired twice and caused the scheduler to be started twice with this configuration. Instead, instantiate the scheduler in urls.py as shown below:

urlpatterns = [
    path('api/v1/', include(router.urls)),
    path('api/v1/login/', CustomTokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name='token_obtain_pair'),
    path('api/v1/login/refresh/', jwt_views.TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name='token_refresh'),
    path('api/v1/', include('rest_registration.api.urls'))

scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
scheduler.add_job(task.run, trigger='cron', hour=settings.TASK_RUNNER_HOURS, minute=settings.TASK_RUNNER_MINUTES, max_instances=1)

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