How To Add Slicer In Power Bi Dashboard

How to Add Slicer in Power BI Dashboard

To add a slicer in Power BI dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Open Power BI Desktop and load your dataset.
  2. Select the slicer visual from the Visualizations pane.
  3. Drag and drop the desired field from your dataset into the slicer visual. This field will become the slicer’s filter.
  4. Customize the slicer’s appearance and behavior using the Format and Options panes on the right side of the screen.
  5. Position the slicer on your report canvas by dragging and dropping it into the desired location.
  6. Save your report and publish it to Power BI service.

Here’s an example:

Slicer Example

In this example, we have added a slicer for the “Product Category” field. Users can use this slicer to easily filter the report based on different product categories.

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