[Django]-How to add password and username pop up for Django Swagger?


To have the popup for authentication in ‘DRF’ and also in ‘SWAGGER’ panel, simply add these lines of code which I arrowed to your settings.py:

‘DRF’ implementation

        # the link you can read about
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51906745/django-rest-framework-logout-not-working-after-token-authentication

        'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication', # <<--

    'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework.schemas.coreapi.AutoSchema',

In REST_FRAMEWORK, inside the DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES, (which is a list) add the
It tells the djagno to authenticate using the default authentication that djagno provides.

‘SWAGGER’ implementation

If you want to use it in ‘SWAGGER’ as well, do the below:

In SWAGGER_SETTINGS, inside the SECURITY_DEFINITIONS which is a dict, add these lines of code to implement that:

'basic': {
    'type': 'basic'

Default ‘swagger’ settings would be like this:

    'DOC_EXPANSION': 'list',
    'APIS_SORTER': 'alpha',
    'USE_SESSION_AUTH': False,
        'Bearer': {  # <<-- is for JWT access token
            'type': 'apiKey',
            'name': 'Authorization',
            'in': 'header'
        'basic': {  # <<-- is for djagno authentication 
            'type': 'basic'

Attention that Bearer is for JWT access token. basic is for djagno authentication.

Thant you for reading!

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