How To Add Multiple Filters In Power Bi

How to Add Multiple Filters in Power BI

Power BI allows you to add multiple filters to your data visuals, which can help you refine and drill down into specific subsets of data. Here’s a step-by-step guide on adding multiple filters in Power BI with examples.

1. Open Power BI Desktop and load your data

Start by opening Power BI Desktop and loading the dataset you want to create visuals from. You can do this by selecting “Get Data” and choosing your desired data source.

2. Create a visual

Once your data is loaded, click on the “Visualizations” pane and select the visual type you want to create. For example, let’s choose a bar chart.

3. Add fields to the visual

In the “Fields” pane, drag and drop the desired fields onto the appropriate sections of the visual. For instance, you can drag a “Product” field to the “Axis” section and a “Sales” field to the “Values” section.

4. Add a filter to the visual

To add a filter, go to the “Visualizations” pane and expand the “Filters” section. Drag and drop a field from the “Fields” pane into the “Filters” section. This will create a filter for that specific field.

5. Add another filter

If you want to add another filter, repeat step 4 by dragging and dropping another field into the “Filters” section. This will create an additional filter for the new field.

6. Set filter conditions

Click on each filter in the “Visualizations” pane to open the filter settings. Here, you can set filter conditions such as equals, not equals, contains, etc. You can also choose specific values or ranges for the filter.

7. Apply and test the filters

Once you have added and set all the desired filters, click on the “Apply filter” button to apply them to your visual. You can then test the filters by interacting with the visual and observing the changes in the data.


Let’s say you have a dataset of sales data that includes fields like “Product”, “Region”, “Year”, and “Revenue”. You want to create a bar chart that shows the sales revenue by product, filtered by specific regions and years.

1. Load the sales data into Power BI Desktop.

2. Create a bar chart visual.

3. Add the “Product” field to the axis section and the “Revenue” field to the values section.

4. Drag and drop the “Region” field into the Filters section to create a filter for regions.

5. Drag and drop the “Year” field into the Filters section to create a filter for years.

6. Set the filter conditions for both the “Region” and “Year” filters. For example, you can choose specific regions like “North America” and “Europe”, and specific years like “2019” and “2020”.

7. Apply the filters and observe how the bar chart updates to show the sales revenue for the selected regions and years.

By following these steps, you can add multiple filters to your Power BI visuals and effectively analyze your data from different perspectives.

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