It is possible and fairly simple.
Django only allows one argument to your filter, but thereβs no reason you canβt put all your arguments into a single string using a comma to separate them.
So for example, if you want a filter that checks if variable X is in the list [1,2,3,4] you will want a template filter that looks like this:
{% if X|is_in:"1,2,3,4" %}
Now we can create your templatetag like this:
from django.template import Library
register = Library()
def is_in(var, args):
if args is None:
return False
arg_list = [arg.strip() for arg in args.split(',')]
return var in arg_list
The line that creates arg_list is a generator expression that splits the args string on all the commas and calls .strip() to remove any leading and trailing spaces.
If, for example, the 3rd argument is an int then just do:
arg_list[2] = int(arg_list[2])
Or if all of them are ints do:
arg_list = [int(arg) for arg in args.split(',')]
EDIT: now to specifically answer your question by using key,value pairs as parameters, you can use the same class Django uses to parse query strings out of URLβs, which then also has the benefit of handling character encoding properly according to your settings.py.
So, as with query strings, each parameter is separated by β&β:
{{ attr.name|replace:"cherche=_&remplacement= " }}
Then your replace function will now look like this:
from django import template
from django.http import QueryDict
register = template.Library()
def replace(value, args):
qs = QueryDict(args)
if qs.has_key('cherche') and qs.has_key('remplacement'):
return value.replace(qs['cherche'], qs['remplacement'])
return value
You could speed this up some at the risk of doing some incorrect replacements:
qs = QueryDict(args)
return value.replace(qs.get('cherche',''), qs.get('remplacement',''))
It is more simple than you think
You can use simple_tag for this.
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def multiple_args_tag(a, b, c, d):
#do your stuff
In Template:
{% multiple_args_tag 'arg1' 'arg2' 'arg3' 'arg4' %}
NOTE: Donβt forget to re-run the server.
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Itβs easy like this.
def one_more(_1, _2):
return _1, _2
def your_filter(_1_2, _3)
_1, _2 = _1_2
print "now you have three arguments, enjoy"
{{ _1|one_more:_2|your_filter:_3 }}
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Instead of a filter, register your tag as a simple tag. Those can take multiple arguments. The syntax for invoking it will be a little bit different, but thatβs just syntactic sugar changing.
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Not possible according to this section of the docs:
Custom filters are just Python functions that take one or two arguments:
- The value of the variable (input) β
not necessarily a string. - The value of the argument β this can have a
default value, or be left out altogether.
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This feature has been marked as WONTFIX in 2013 Djangoβs Trac: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/1199
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from django.template import Library
import re
register = Library()
def search(value, search):
return re.sub(search, '#f4x@SgXXmS', value)
def replace(value, replace):
return re.sub('#f4x@SgXXmS', replace, value)
In the template:
{{ "saniel"|search:"s"|replace:"d" }}
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For example, you can use the separator ,
to pass multiple values to replace
filter, then use the values by spliting with split() as shown below. *You can and should use other separator which values donβt have:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def replace(value, args):
cherche, remplacement = args.split(',')
return value.replace(cherche, remplacement)
{{ "2023-06-23"|replace:"-,/" }} {% 2023/06/23 %}
{% Here β %}
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You can just simply do this:
{% assign find_total_issued = dailysalesreport | find: "TotalIssued":"13" %}
public static List<object> Find(object collection, string column, string value)
And it will reach the destination as the abstraction of the function is sjare
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Heres a bad idea but works:
{{ xml|input_by_xpath:"{'type':'radio','xpath':'//result/value'}" }}
def input_by_xpath(device, args):
args = eval(args)
result = "<input type=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"/>"%(args['type'],value,args['xpath'])
return mark_safe(result)
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