How To Add Data To Power Bi

How to add data to Power BI?

Adding data to Power BI involves several steps, which are explained below:

  1. Prepare your data: Make sure your data is in a suitable format, such as a table or spreadsheet, and ensure it is clean and organized.
  2. Install Power BI Desktop: Download and install Power BI Desktop, which is a powerful tool for creating and editing Power BI reports.
  3. Launch Power BI Desktop: Open Power BI Desktop and select “Get Data” to start importing your data.
  4. Select a data source: Power BI offers a variety of data sources you can choose from, such as databases, files, online services, or even other Power BI reports. Select the appropriate data source for your needs.
  5. Connect to the data source: Provide the necessary credentials or connection details to establish a connection to your data source.
  6. Transform and clean the data: Use Power Query, a powerful tool within Power BI, to perform various data transformation and cleaning operations. This may include removing unnecessary columns, merging tables, aggregating data, or applying filters.
  7. Load the data into Power BI: Once your data is prepared, click on the “Load” button to import the data into Power BI.
  8. Create visuals and reports: With your data now loaded into Power BI, you can start creating interactive visualizations and reports. Drag and drop fields onto the canvas to create charts, tables, maps, and more. Customize the visuals and create relationships between different data tables if necessary.
  9. Save and publish your report: Once you are satisfied with your visualizations and reports, save your Power BI file and publish it to the Power BI service. This will enable you to share the report with others and access it online.


Let’s say you have a spreadsheet containing sales data for different products. You can follow the steps mentioned above to add this data to Power BI:

  • Prepare your data: Make sure your spreadsheet is well-structured and organized with columns for product name, sales date, quantity sold, and revenue.
  • Install Power BI Desktop: Download and install Power BI Desktop from the official Microsoft website.
  • Launch Power BI Desktop: Open Power BI Desktop and click on “Get Data”. Select “Excel” as your data source.
  • Connect to the data source: Browse and select your sales data spreadsheet and click “Load”.
  • Transform and clean the data: Use Power Query to remove any unnecessary columns, format dates, and perform any other necessary data transformations.
  • Load the data into Power BI: After applying the desired transformations, click on “Close & Apply” to import the data into Power BI.
  • Create visuals and reports: Drag and drop the required fields onto the canvas to create visualizations such as a bar chart showing the total revenue by product, or a line chart showing the trend in sales over time.
  • Save and publish your report: Once your report is ready, save the Power BI file and publish it to the Power BI service, where it can be shared with others.

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