How To Add Data Labels In Power Bi

How to Add Data Labels in Power BI

Data labels are used to display the values of data points in a chart or visualization in Power BI. They provide additional information and context to the data being presented. Here’s how you can add data labels in Power BI:

  1. Select the chart or visualization you want to add data labels to.
  2. In the Visualizations pane on the right side of the Power BI interface, find the “Data labels” option.
  3. Click on the “Data labels” option to expand it and reveal additional customization options.
  4. There are several options available to customize the data labels:
    • Show: Enable this option to display the data labels.
    • Position: Choose the desired position for the data labels (e.g., Inside end, Outside end, etc.).
    • Color: Select a color for the data labels.
    • Label Style: Specify the style of the data labels (e.g., Bold, Italic, etc.).
    • Label Display Units: Choose the units used to display the data labels (e.g., None, Thousands, Millions, etc.).
    • Decimal Places: Set the number of decimal places to display for the data labels.
    • Show All: Enable this option to show data labels for all data points, even if they overlap.
  5. Make the desired changes to the data label options based on your preferences.
  6. The data labels will be automatically updated and displayed on the selected chart or visualization.

Here’s an example:

Example Chart with Data Labels

By following these steps, you can easily add data labels to your charts or visualizations in Power BI.

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