How To Add Background Image In Power Bi

To add a background image in Power BI, you can use custom themes or directly add an image to a report page. Here’s how you can do it:

Using Custom Themes:

  1. Create a custom theme JSON file with the following content:
  2.       {
            "name": "Background Image Theme",
            "dataColors": ["#A0CE4E", "#7DD3FF", "#FF3D4A", "#FF0080", "#673AB7"],
            "backgroundImage": "",
            "backgroundImageRepeat": true
  3. Save the file with a .json extension (e.g., theme.json).
  4. In Power BI Desktop, go to the “View” tab, click on “Themes,” and select “Switch Theme.”
  5. Click on “Import Theme” and browse to the custom theme JSON file you created.
  6. Select the theme and click on “Apply”. The background image will be added to your report.
  7. Adding Image Directly:

    1. In Power BI Desktop, go to the “Home” tab and click on “Blank Page” to create a new page.
    2. On the “Visualizations” pane, click on the “Image” icon to add an image visual to the page.
    3. Drag and drop the image file (.jpg, .png, etc.) onto the report canvas.
    4. Resize and position the image as needed.
    5. To ensure the image is set as the background, right-click on the image visual and select “Send to Back” > “Send to Back” again.

    These methods allow you to add background images to your Power BI reports. You can choose the one that suits your requirements best, whether it is using custom themes or adding images directly to report pages.

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