How To Add A Filter In Power Bi

How to Add a Filter in Power BI

Adding a filter in Power BI allows you to refine and narrow down your data based on specific criteria. Filters can help you focus on relevant information and analyze data more effectively. Here’s how you can add a filter in Power BI:

Step 1: Open your Power BI report

Launch Power BI Desktop or open the Power BI service online, and access your report/dashboard.

Step 2: Select the visual you want to apply the filter to

Click on the visual (chart, table, etc.) that you want to add a filter to. The visual will be highlighted, indicating that it is selected.

Step 3: Locate the Filters pane

In Power BI Desktop, the Filters pane is usually found on the right side of the screen. If you are using the Power BI service online, the Filters pane is typically located on the right side as well.

Step 4: Add a filter

Within the Filters pane, you can add a filter to the selected visual by selecting the field you want to filter on. For example, if you have a sales chart and want to filter it by region, select the “Region” field from your data model.

Step 5: Choose the filter values

Once you have selected the desired field, you can choose specific values to include or exclude in the filter. For instance, if you only want to see sales data for the “West” region, select “West” from the available values.

Step 6: Apply the filter

Finally, click on the “Apply filter” button to apply the selected filter to the visual. The data in the visual will update accordingly based on the applied filter.


Let’s consider an example where we have a sales report with a chart showcasing monthly sales by product category. By adding a filter, we can focus on a specific product category, such as “Electronics.”

  1. Open your Power BI report.
  2. Select the sales chart visual.
  3. Locate the Filters pane on the right side.
  4. Add a filter by selecting the “Product Category” field.
  5. Choose the “Electronics” value from the available options.
  6. Click on the “Apply filter” button.

After applying the filter, the sales chart will display only the data related to “Electronics” product category, allowing you to analyze the sales performance for that specific category.

Remember that adding filters in Power BI is a powerful way to analyze data from various angles and gain deeper insights. Experiment with different filter combinations to derive meaningful conclusions from your data.

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