You could write a factory function to create proxy models like this one:
def model_with_queryset(model_class, queryset_class):
class Proxy(model_class):
objects = queryset_class.as_manager()
class Meta:
proxy = True
app_label = model_class._meta.app_label
return Proxy
Here model_class
would be any model you want to change the queryset on.
You could then create model classes dynamically:
SomeModelWithSomeQS = model_with_queryset(SomeModel, SomeQS)
and use them as any other (proxy) model.
The django-way would be to use the db.signals.class_prepared
signal and draw inspiration from django.db.managers.ensure_default_manager()
to properly add the manager to the class (mainly using model.add_to_class()
to make sure the managers’s contribute_to_class()
method is properly invoked). Then you’ll have to write some utility function to retrieve the appropriate queryset for a given model class.
Or you could write your own custom metaclass (based on django.db.models.base.ModelBase
) and model class (using your custom metaclass) and make all your model classes inherit from it.
This being said, you’d really need to have a lot of models to even consider either of these solutions as economically valid…
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