How to access variable from another dart file

Accessing Variables from Another Dart File

Dart is an object-oriented language used for building mobile, web, and desktop applications. Sometimes, you may need to access variables defined in one Dart file from another Dart file. This can be achieved by following a few simple steps, as outlined below.

Step 1: Importing the Dart File

To access variables from another Dart file, you need to import that file into the Dart file where you want to use the variable. The “import” statement allows you to include other Dart files into your current Dart file. For example, if you have a file named “file1.dart” that contains the variable you want to access, you can import it like this:

import 'file1.dart';

Step 2: Declaring Variables as Public

By default, variables in Dart are private unless declared as public. To access a variable from another file, you need to declare it as public by prefixing it with an underscore (_) followed by the variable name. For example, let’s assume we have a Dart file named “file1.dart” with the following variable:

var _privateVariable = 'Hello World';

In order to access this variable from another Dart file, we need to modify the variable declaration as follows:

var publicVariable = 'Hello World';

Step 3: Using the Variable

Once the Dart file is imported and the variables are declared as public, you can freely use them in your current Dart file. Simply refer to the variable name when needed. For example:


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I access variables from a different Dart file without importing it?

A: No, you cannot access variables from another Dart file without importing it. Importing allows you to include the necessary code from other files into your current file, making the variables and functions defined in those files accessible.

Q: Can I access private variables from another Dart file?

A: No, you cannot access private variables from another Dart file. Private variables are meant to be internal to the file in which they are declared and are not accessible outside of it. To access variables from another file, they need to be declared as public.

Q: Are there any limitations to accessing variables from another Dart file?

A: The main limitation is that the variable you want to access must be declared as public, and you need to have the necessary import statement in your Dart file. Additionally, make sure that the file you want to import is in the correct location relative to your current file and that it doesn’t contain any syntax errors.

Following these steps, you can easily access variables from another Dart file. Importing the required file and declaring the variables as public enables you to use them in your current Dart file without any issues.

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