[Vuejs]-How to access "Id" in vue.js script


In JS, we select item and manipulate it. In Vue, we say items how it should react some changes and let everything run. In rare cases, selecting an object and changing its state can be necessary, but in your case, you should use computed property:

<span id="cm_count" ref="cm_count" :syle="spanStyles">
    ({{ c_count }})

computed: {
  spanStyles() {
    return `color:${this.c_count > 5 ? 'red' : 'black'}`;


Buttons don’t have href attribute. That’s why I assume you have a link.

<a href="linkTo" @click="doSomething">...</a>

data() {
  return {
    isButtonClicked: false
methods: {
  doSomething() {
    // you don't need to set a timeout here,
    // but if it goes to the wrong link,
    // you can use it to delay the changing of the link.
    setTimeout(() => this.isButtonClicked = !this.isButtonClicked, 10
computed: {
  linkTo() {
    return this.isButtonClicked ? 'link1.com' : link2.com;

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