I was curious about this too and it seems that the main advantage of django-nose using the python nose library is “Test Discovery”.
In addition, from http://readthedocs.org/docs/nose/en/latest/testing.html
you can also write simple test functions, as well as test classes that are not
subclasses of unittest.TestCase. nose also supplies a number of
helpful functions for writing timed tests, testing for exceptions, and
other common use cases. See Writing tests and Testing tools for more.
From what I understand from other python developers on freenode irc, Trial test runner on Twisted Framework have these similar features like nose.
I am still not entirely convinced about using django-nose for django development but am giving a shot and report back if I find out more!
There are a lot more features overall, but I think one major reason people use nose/djano_nose is that it allows you to very easily do code coverage.
python manage.py test myapp --with-coverage --cover-package=myapp