Okay, I’ve found how, in my case, the virtualenv was being invoked for the django.
BASE_DIR/run/gunicorn script has:
So this takes us into the .venv where the gunicorn script starts with:
If you use just Django behind a reverse proxy, Django will use whatever is the python environment for the user that started the server was determined in which python
command. If you’re using a management tool like Gunicorn, you can specify which environment to use in those configs. Although Gunicorn itself requires us to activate the virtual environment before invoking Gunicorn
Since you’re using Gunicorn, take a look at this, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-deploy-python-wsgi-apps-using-gunicorn-http-server-behind-nginx
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Just use absolute path when calling python in virtualenv.
For example your virtualenv is located in /var/webapps/yoursite/env
So you must call it /var/webapps/yoursite/env/bin/python
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