This can be done by customizing the default tabs from the Toolbar and using the exporTo()
API call. For example, here’s how you can change the name of the exported PDF file:
function customizeToolbar(toolbar) {
// get all tabs
let tabs = toolbar.getTabs();
toolbar.getTabs = function() {
let exportTab = tabs.find(tab => tab.id == "wdr-tab-export");
if (!exportTab) return tabs;
let exportToPdfTab = exportTab.menu.find(tab => tab.id == "wdr-tab-export-pdf");
exportToPdfTab.handler = () => {
this.pivot.exportTo("pdf", {
filename: "custom-name" // set the necessary name
return tabs;
Please check the following CodePen: https://codepen.io/webdatarocks/pen/QWxYLRy?editors=1010