[Django]-How do you access/configure summaries/snippets in Django Haystack



Bottom line is that the Solr highlighting can’t really be used by Haystack in a flexible way. I spoke to the main developer for Haystack on IRC, and he said basically, if I want to have the kind of highlighting I’m looking for, the only way to get it is to extend the Solr backend that Haystack uses.

I dabbled in that for about half a day, but couldn’t get Haystack to recognize my custom back end. Haystack has some magic backend loading code that just wasn’t working with me.

Consequently, I’ve switched over to sunburnt, which provides a lighter-weight and more extensible wrapper around Solr. I’m hoping it will fare better.


from haystack.utils import Highlighter
my_text = 'This is a sample block that would be more meaningful in real life.'
my_query = 'block meaningful'
highlight = Highlighter(my_query)


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