[Answered ]-How do update last message date in Django model


If it is an option to not have it at the database, you can just calculate this at the time when you need it. So for that you can use a model property:

class UserPosts(models.Model):
    postTitle = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name="Title")
    postContent = RichTextField(null=True, verbose_name="Content")
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name="Date of upload")
    def last_message(self):
        last_message = self.usermessages_set.order_by('-created_at').first()
        if last_message:
            return last_message.created_at
        return self.created_at

So if a post doesn’t have a message yet, it will get it’s own created_at field. You can then use this like a property:

post = UserPosts.objects.first()

Also consider using cached_property if you plan to use this field in a view multiple times.

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