[Answered ]-How do python handle asynchronous task


The await command needs to be used specifically when you are running an asynchronous function that calls synchronous functions. This synchronous function is ran as a coroutine and has an object name coroutine when debugging. To run a coroutine, it must be scheduled on the event loop. Using the
await keyword releases control back to the event loop. Instead of awaiting a coroutine, you can also setup a task to schedule a coroutine to run at a certain time using the asyncio package. See documentation

asyncio.create_task(coro, *, name=None, context=None)

Python does not block execution but rather ensures that it happens at the correct time using CPU parallelism. Using a method like request.get() should not create any forthcoming errors because you are accessing values over the internet and not locally. Network requests move, essentially at the speed of light, where as database requests on the server are limited by the speed of the SSD or HDD. This was more of an issue on old drives where you are literally waiting for a disk to spin, but the idea of properly managing these local resources is still a issue that has to be solved in order for the asynchronous application to work. When making calls to the sql database, make sure to use the decorator @database_sync_to_async above the regular ‘synchronous’ functions that your asynchronous function calls.

from channels.db import database_sync_to_async

For more information check out the django documentation on asynchronous support.

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