[Django]-How do I pass template context information when using HttpResponseRedirect in Django?



The best way would probably be to use a coded querystring on the redirect URLโ€ฆ its an old school approach.

You could do something like

/page/?m=1, /page/?m=2, etc

You would then parse that variable with request.GET in the view code and show the appropriate message.


For the sake of completion and future reference, you can now use the messages framework. After you install it:


from django.contrib import messages

def view(request):
  # your code
  messages.success(request, "Your data has been saved!")


{% if messages %}
<ul class="messages">
  {% for message in messages %}
  <li{% if message.tags %} class="{{ message.tags }}"{% endif %}>{{ message }}</li>
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


if you are using auth and have a logged in user you could:


GET params are also hackable. The querystring, as mentioned in other answers, could be used.

I think the most preferred way would be to use the sessions framework. That way you can load up whatever you want in the context and get

{{ request.session.foo }} 

foo could be the message or you could do:

{% ifequal request.session.foo 1 %} Nice work! {% else %} Almost! {% endifequal %}

and other fun stuff.



You canโ€™t. HttpResponseRedirect sends a client-side redirect (HTTP status code 302) to the browser, and then the browser re-requests another page.

You can set a URL query string on the redirect, though that will be visible to the user and anyone intercepting HTTP requests (i.e. proxies), and is therefore not suitable for sensitive information.


From your views.py you hast have to put a key/value-pair into the session and then read it from the HTML template.

For example:


# your code here
request.session['vote'] = 1
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)


{% ifequal request.session.vote 1 %}
    <!-- Your action here -->
{% endifequal  %}


The only way I know of to pass any data with a redirect is to add GET parameters to the URL youโ€™re passing in. To avoid XSS hacks youโ€™d want to pass a specific constant like:

[current path youโ€™re passing in]?message=saved

And then process the message=saved parameter in the handler for the path you passed in.

A somewhat more complicated way would be not passing the data in the redirect, and instead using something like http://code.google.com/p/django-notify/ to store session-based data that is displayed to the user following the redirect.


You add ?saved=1 to the query string and check for it with something like:

saved = request.GET.get('saved', False)

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