The answer above is right. You have to remmeber, that every property that written as usual <component link="some-link/object.id"></component>
will not be parsed, but will be passed as string. So you have to use :link="'/bla/bla/'+object.id"
lowerBoss will be available inside f7 component as "data", because of :data="lowerBoss"
this part of your tag.
Check this Vue.js Passing Static or Dynamic Props
To handle events you have to use vue.js directives Event handling
Try as below
<f7-list-item v-for="lowerBoss in lowerBosses" :key="lowerBoss.id" :data="lowerBoss" class="single-boss subheading white" :link="'/boss/'+lowerBoss.id">
{{ lowerBoss.name }}