[Fixed]-How do I merge two queries in django and select distinct from two unrelated tables


You can use the extra() modifier to assign alternative names.

queryA = tableA.extra(select={'alias' : 'first_name_A'}).order_by('first_name_A').values('alias').distinct()
queryB = tableB.extra(select={'alias' : 'first_name_B'}).order_by('first_name_B').values('alias').distinct()

The django documentation discourages the use of extra but there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to create aliases in a queryset. This ticket suggest that this may change in the future. The last comment describes an alternative method with F expressions and annotate which should work with django v1.8



I’ve solved it but I’m not sure it’s the most pythonic (nor correct) way. If anyone has any better suggestions then please let me know.


        queryA = tableA.objects.order_by('first_name_A','last_name_A').values('first_name_A', 'last_name_A').distinct()
        queryB = tableB.objects.order_by('first_name_B','last_name_B').values('first_name_B', 'last_name_B').distinct()

        chain_query = sorted(chain(queryA, queryB))

        valueList = []

        for q in chain_query:
            wholeName = ' '.join(q.values())

        query = sorted(set(valueList))  

        return render_to_response('results.html', {'queries': query})


    {% for query in queries %}
        <td>{{ query }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

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