[Answered ]-How do I make images render properly using Django Streaming HTTPS Response?


You need distributed task queue system like Celery. You can make your application in the way that

You main page (from where execution flow starts)

  1. Ask the user to upload a video

  2. Save this video file on server

  3. Add an entry against video in the database

  4. Call your detect asynchronous task with id of the video record and save the id of the task returned in the database against video
  5. Redirect your user to a success page with video id

On the success page

  1. Show a success message
  2. Using javascript call a status web service with video id and update the page (load images dynamically) accordingly again and again until you receive status complete.

In the status web service

  1. Get task id using video id

  2. Check task status

  3. Get images from database using video id (images that your asynchronous task is putting in the database in the background)

  4. Return the status (whether completed or in progress) and list of images

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