[Django]-How do I install the Django snippet dumpscript?



Just put the snippet in {appname}/management/commands/, where {appname} is the name of an installed app. Each Python module in that directory will be auto-discovered and registered as a command that can be executed as an action when you run manage.py.

You’ll need to put an empty __init__.py in both {appname}/management/ and {appname}/management/commands/ for this to work, if those files don’t already exist.

See the docs for more on writing custom commands (obviously in your case, the command is already written).


I haven’t updated that djangosnippets version for a while, I hope it works for you.

Note that, you don’t need to “install” pure python apps like django_extensions; you can use it by just putting the folder on your path somewhere (like where you project’s directory is). Failing that, try and use the dumpscript.py file found in django_extensions (it’s newer)

I should have some time in the next few weeks to develop dumpscript a little further and get it to play better with some of the newer django features 🙂

Cheers, Will

👤Will Hardy

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